diesem Titel findet sich auf LewRockwell ein kurzer, prägnater Artikel
über den Schwachsinn von Quotendenken und sich selbst bemitleidendem
I recently heard a young black male student give thanks to the fact that at my school, Loyola University New Orleans, for the first time in his academic career, he has had teachers who “look like him.” He meant that at our university, finally, there are African American professors. He was very grateful for that fact. This young man is in grave error, and the present essay is an attempt to correct him.I have a brown belt in Shoto-Kan Karate. Virtually none of my senseis (teachers) look like me. Well, yes, they all had heads, feet, arms, heads, and, I presume, the usual complements of kishkes (inner body parts), but that is where it ended. Many of them were Oriental (I know, I know, you’re not supposed to say this anymore, but I think political correctness is an evil that should be opposed whenever possible). Some of my karate teachers were female. Did I suffer from this? Would I have been better off if my Karatekas were old, white, fat, bearded Jews like me? Hardly. The criterion I sensibly employed in my selection was not “lookism” but rather ability to teach this discipline.
hier am Beispiel der Hautfarbe abgehandelt wird, kann mit exakt
denselben Argumenten auch gegen Studentinnen-Quoten auf Medizin-Unis,
Aufsichtsrat-Quoten und all dem Unsinn des sogen. »Frauenvolksbegehrens«
angewandt werden.
Chapeau! Touché!
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