„Ich bin ein überzeugter und konsequenter Kritiker des Parteien-Parlamentarismus und Anhänger eines Systems, bei dem wahre Volksvertreter unabhängig von ihrer Parteizugehörigkeit gewählt werden.“
Alexander Issajewitsch Solschenizyn, 2007

Freitag, 13. Januar 2017

Makes sense

von LePenseur
As President-elect Donald Trump fights off fierce assaults by the massed national security apparatus, Democrats, the neocon Praetorian Guard, and a host of other political foes, I am feeling a sharp sense of déjà vu.

Trump claimed that these attacks were like ‘living in Nazi Germany.’ Not so. The president-elect could have found a much better analogy: Moscow in August 1991.

I was in Moscow, Central Asia and the Caucasus covering the Soviet Union’s last days and meeting with senior KGB leaders. What a dramatic and exciting time it was.  In fact, on my first night in Moscow a Russian friend and I, fired from drinking potent Georgian moonshine, managed to wake up the then director of KGB, Viktor Chebrikov, at two am by playing very loud music under his apartment. He kept stamping on the floor. My Russian-Georgian friend said, ‘just ignore the old fool.’

Two years later, another old Soviet fool, KGB chief Vladimir Kryuchkov, tried to overthrow the reformist leader Mikhail Gorbachev. A so-called ‘gang of eight’ of senior Communist Party officials, intelligence bigwigs, and military men secretly formed to overthrow party leader Gorbachev.

Reformist Gorbachev was trying to remake the Communist Party, end its brutal policies, stop the stalemated war in Afghanistan, and allow restive nationalities, like the Baltic peoples, to edge away from the USSR. Gorby also wanted to cut way back on military spending – then almost 40% of GDP – that was bankrupting the Soviet Union. He sought good, peaceful relations with the West. 

These policies enraged Moscow’s security agencies, its hardline Communist elite (‘nomenklatura’) and vast military industrial complex. Gorby’s proposed budget cuts would have put many of them out of business. So they decided to overthrow Mikhail Gorbachev to save their own skins. The coup utterly failed and its drunken, bungling leaders jailed. We are observing something similar today in Washington, hence my sense of déjà vu.
Nun: hat jemand gar gedacht, die machthungrige Krake der Staatsverbrecher würde bloß wegen eines läppischen Präsidentschafts-Wahlergebnisses klein beigeben? Wie naiv!

Die nächsten Tage, Wochen und Monate versprechen spannend zu werden. Hoffen wir für die Welt, daß Trump hinreichend lange im Amt bleibt, dieser kriminellen Krake wenigstens einige ihrer Würgearme abschlagen zu können.

Eine Welt, die nur noch nach der Pfeife von Verbrechern wie Soros & Co., angeführt (im doppelten Sinne des Wortes) von haßzerfressen-paranoiden Knallköpfen wie McCain und Brzeziński, ringelreia den Totentanz tanzt, auf daß die Drahtzieher des Military Industrial Complex noch mehr Profit machen, ist fürwahr keine Vorstellung, die mir den Ausblick auf mein kommendes Altenteil versüßen kann ...

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